Increase Cut or Fill Depth
We have faced one issue where i hope you could help us in future. When forming the fields and filling up the ponds it is almost always they come back after a few passes and some rain or winter. Could you add to optisurface such a feature that it would be possible to determine the amendment % for ponds being filled. For example so that if we fill 10 cm then it would be actually 12 cm for those places. Typically when we cut there is though bottom soil on those places and they dont go anywhere, but next to it at the filled pond can really drop few cm.
We get quite a lot of feedback from customers when they assume it will be ready after first visit, but it is not, and need to go second time there.
Thanks in advance
- on behalf of Rami Lilja, Finland
Great idea and it has been requested by others. It is available in OpriSurface Designer Version 2.7. Get it and let us know how it goes.