---- 3.1.5 Export to OptiSurface Cloud
Overview: Export to OptiSurface Cloud exports and uploads the Design Report into the Cloud hosted by OptiSurface. An email template with the link to the report will appear after hitting this option.
Displayed By: Click File Menu > Export to OptiSurface Cloud...

Once OptiSurface finishes capturing the images like Existing Topography, Proposed Topography etc., this message will prompt and you can select one of the options:
- Open in Email Software - the default email client will open copying the email template and upload will commence
- Copy to Clipboard - the text will be copied to the clipboard and can later be pasted and upload will commence
- Cancel Upload - cancel uploading the design report to the cloud

During the upload process (which may take a few minutes), the Status Bar shows the upload progress i.e OSCloud Upload Complete
Opening the link will lead you to the OptiSurface Cloud Main Page, see images below:
OptiSurface Cloud Main Page

My Design Report - moves to the next page showing the design report with details on slopes, earthworks and images of the field.
Feedback - leads to the OptiSurface Feedback forums.
OptiSurface Cloud Design Report Page

Map - moves to the next page showing the image overlayed on Google Maps
Email - opens your default webmail to send the Design Report
Print - print the Design Report
OptiSurface Cloud Map Page

CutFill Drop Down - drop down options to show different map images like Topographies Mpps and Slope Maps
Share - opens your default webmail to send the Design Report
GPS - option for mobile devices such as iPad. Open the link on the mobile device in the field and on the Map Page then click GPS, it acts as a moving map display.
Comment - click anywhere in the map to add notes. Anyone, for example the farming client can add feedback where the design needs to be changed then when the consultant looks at the map again, the comments from the farmer will appear