------ Design Zone Options
Last Updated: 28 March 2022 For: OptiSurface Designer V2+
Right clicking a design zone gives quicker access to more options mostly to edit but also other special features as well.
Right click boundary or subzone

Calculate Landform: Calculates the landform design of the clicked boundary based on the landform design parameters defined for each zone.
Recalculate Cut/Fill:
Brings up
the Recalculate Cut/Fill Surface dialog to update the Cut/Fill Map.
Calculate Area: Calculates the area of the boundary or subzone and shown in the Results Window to the lower left of the screen.
Calculate Volumes:
Calculates the cut and fill volumes of the boundary or subzone and shown in the Results Window to the lower left of the screen.
Modify Extents: Modify the extents of a zone by editing the polygon vertices. After pressing this button, left click on the existing zone polygon vertices then hold and drag to reposition. Right click on the points to get other options, like insert a point.
Define Extents: Re-defines the extents of a zone by drawing a polygon. After pressing this button, left click on the existing surface where the boundary points are desired and double left click to finish and close the polygon.
Split Boundary: Split the boundary according to a defined section line.
After pressing this button, left click on a point in the boundary then left click again on another point in the boundary to create the section line where the boundary breaks.
Move: Move the location of the boundary or subzone to a new location.
Duplicate: Duplicates the boundary or subzone and creates an identical one to a selected location. All parameters are copied as well.
Delete: Delete a boundary or a subzone from a project.
Properties: Brings up the Landform Design dialog to show all parameters of the design zone.